When you are looking for a relationship, this thought might have often struck you that whether you should be with someone who is just like you, your alter ego, or someone who has just the opposite traits, habits and mindset. Here we’ll explore how your life changes for the positive, being with someone who is opposite to you.
It’s boring to be with someone who is just like you for your entire life
Well, who wants to marry a mirror image of themselves? No one! Although, one may initially fall for someone who is just like them but it gets really difficult to grow as a couple when they are not able to challenge each other’s strengths and weaknesses, differences and opinion clashes. To be with a person with opposite personality traits brings more fun, surprise, and excitement to life.
Opposites make you feel complete
Two opposite people being together brings an image of two hands interlacing; where, each partner fills in the gaps created by the other, making it a perfect combination. It’s good to find a key to your lock, someone who just complements the kind of person you are. It makes you feel that you are living a more meaningful and complete life, and you continue getting attracted towards them for this reason.
Being with an opposite helps you achieve better
When your husband/wife is an opposing personality, he/she can help you grow in the areas that you are weak in and vice versa. Your partner can be your perfect teacher when your weaknesses intersect with his/her strengths. All this will result in making you an all rounder.
The differences might annoy you at some stage in life, but if you embrace them well, they can create new depths for your relationship. Don’t be afraid to be with someone who’s different. All you have to do is identify, acknowledge, and leverage the differences.