Marriage has become a highly debated topic among individuals. The belief that it is nonsense to marry, is gaining popularity. But, amidst such discussions, people fail to realise that a marriage is a lot more than being in love or living together. The little benefits and happiness that it brings with it, add up over time to create a satisfactory and complete life, while retaining the love as before.
What people get after marriage, which they don’t get before?
1. Stability: Both the partners become more responsible, individually and towards each other. The performance in all aspects of life improves and the world becomes a merrier place to live. Also, you become relatively free of headaches that come with new relationships and breakups.
2. Security (Financial as well as Social) – Society favours the married. It would treat you differently when you are married and when you are just living together. You’ll have more respect and more social & financial benefits. Some of the benefits include tax breaks, better credit score and free health insurances from your partner’s workplace.
3. Family- Though you can start a family and have children without marrying, but marriage still remains the standard and most sought-after model for starting a family and raising happy children in a secure environment.
4. An extra layer to commitment- Well, how would you feel if the someone pops the question? That would obviously make butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you’d be happy beyond limits for some reason. That reason answers why one should marry. People also marry as a way of expressing love and commitment towards someone.
5. Tough times don’t last, you do- When people are married, it becomes easier to pass the tough times in a relationship. Marriage puts a protective layer over love and it keeps you close to your partners, in situations which love alone can’t sustain.
Besides these, marriages are fun. Getting all dressed up, spending time with family & friends, celebrations, going traditional, and having a day that is completely about you and your partner – that is all too much to miss!